Samuru - A new search engine based on advanced language heuristics

Launched recently, Samuru by Stremor corp wants to compete with the other online search engines, by providing more qualitative search results based on a advanced linguistic heuristics. The popularity of a website is a key criterion used by many search engines including Google, to generate a ranking of URLs from a search by keywords. This is measured through the number and especially the quality of links pointing to it (back-links) from other pages and domain names on the web. "But for Samuru, the popularity of a domain is not an indicator of authority (relevance)" says the Stremor company.

At the heart of Samuru: a technology that aims to establish a ranking based on criteria intrinsic to the content, and as the credibility of the author, writing style, and the quality of a text.

Discover Samuru:http://www.samuruom/

Learn more: http://www.stremorom/samuru.pdf

Original document published on CommentcaMarcheet

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