Password protect your Office files (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

Password protect your Office files (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

Password protects your Office files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc. ...) may be recommended if you do not want everybody opens.

For this, a recording of your file in the window Save click on Tools and then click General Options ...

The following window appears:

You are asked if you want to protect it from changes or reading or 2.

Of course that can do more can do less, meaning that if you protect read-we cannot neither read nor modify (!) By cons if you protect it can be modified but not read modify this file in any case, it is always possible to rename it to create a clone with a different name.

It is possible to give a password for reading and another password to change

You are prompted for a confimation

Note once again your password

Now you want to open and work on this file.

On opening the file the password you requested:

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