How To Learn Languages With Apps?

Learning a foreign language can change our life, it enables us to expand our horizons into new possibilities that can bring positive experiences. When speaking and understanding a foreign language, we are able to communicate with different cultures and connect with people to learn and share knowledge, it increases our possibilities of working abroad and traveling around the world. If you have already started with a language or you want to make the first steps, you can do it directly from your smartphone and keep learning anywhere you go. In this article you will find a list of our recommended apps to get you started in a foreign language, which would you like to learn?

Rosetta Stone

Rating 4.7 stars PlayStore

PC Best Language Learning Software

One of the most popular language apps, Rosetta Stone is a learning program developed by the same app called Rosetta Stone’s Dynamic Immersion® method, which offers a mix of interactive scenarios with contextual lessons and extensive learning features. The app has a friendly interface making it easy to use and accessible to start learning right away. It offers 23 languages, and starts off with a gentle rhythm.

The app is ideal to build up the foundations in their available languages, and eventually be able to read, write and understand general ideas for a basic understanding. The mobile app can be accessed offline and directly from your desktop. It’s available at the Play Store for a free trial or with three different payment plans; three months ($35.97), one year ($170), two years ($249), and a lifetime ($299).


Rating 4.7 stars on IOS and Android

Editor’s Choice Play Store & App Of The Year App Store

Busuu is a paid language learning app, using a speech recognition system it encourages students to practice and improve their language speaking skills. It has a long selection of dialogues involving the user to listen and comprehend daily-life situations. The free version of Bussu limits to digital flashcards with different levels making the learning process interactive and quick, with a premium version more benefits can be acquired that offers a bigger indepth and activities for each level.

One of the most attractive features is the cultural references and lessons offered for each language, this way, the user is not only improving the target language but also immersing itself in the culture behind it, this can come in handy when travelling or moving abroad. The application is available offline so you can practice and learn regardless of your location. Find it in the PlayStore and Apple Store


Rating 4.6 stars on IOS and Android

Tandem is a different kind of learning app, it works more in a community context where all students have the possibility to exchange, talk and learn from native speakers. Regardless of your location, you can connect with other users via messages or video chat, who can help you learn your desired language, and in exchange, you can help them by teaching your native language.

Apart from the community exchange, you can test your level and study for official language levels and tests, if you want to deepen your knowledge, you can also follow a complete course before getting started with real life conversations. Tandem can be downloaded from the PlayStore and App store completely for free, it offers a low price subscription for extra lessons and tests.


Rating 4.8 stars on IOS and Android

Mango stands out for it’s simplicity and attractive design. The application offers more than 70 languages from which you can choose among more specific needs, like Business, Ettique, or in a more fun matter, you could learn the Pirate’s language or the Oktoberfest German language. Simply start by listening to common phrases of each language, you’ll have to repeat and understand them in order to continue your learning path.

With the revealing phrases to practice outloud, the app explains as well the composition and order of each word, this way the user can practice more in depth the phrases learned. Mango is focused on learning patterns and forgetting about rules which makes it one of the most entertaining language apps, you can try it for free in the PlayStore and App store.


Rating 4.5 stars on IOS and Android

One of the most affordable language apps, Babbel was created in Germany and offers 14 different languages. They’re best programs are Spanish and French, the application is mainly addressed for English native speakers, since the comparisons and conversational matches are done from English to other languages. The method is simple and straight to the point, the lessons are developed by linguists who created a learning path that follows more traditional rules making Babbel a more scholarly approach.

Learn by listening and repeating conversations, compare your pronunciation with the one of the app, and complete your lessons with fill in the blank exercises and extra notes. You can try it for free for iOS and Android or subscribe for a complete course.


Rating 4.6 stars on IOS and Android

App Of The Year App Store

Duolingo is one of the most popular language apps, with 21 languages to offer, it works with a simple method by mixing words and phrases to have a wide variety of vocabulary while gamifying the lessons. The main target of the app is to engage the user with basic conversation phrases introduced with flashcards, listening exercises and multiple choice questions.

Unlike other language courses, Duolingo has a study plan that works according to the user . An interesting feature is the possibility to contact other language learners in the platform to discuss and share experiences. Duolingo is available in the PlayStore and App Store for free with all its features, although you can upgrade to a premium version to delete ads and enjoy offline access.

copyright© rosettastone, busuu, tandem, mango, babbel, duolingo

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