How to Improve Mobile Phone Battery Life

Smartphone batteries lose their power over time and become less efficient. In this article we will explain the factors that affect battery life and we will give you some advice that will help you to improve your smartphone's battery performance.

What Does Battery Life Depend On

Although there are many factors that influence battery performance, there are three we want to point out to you: Battery Capacity, Processor Power, and Screen Size.

First, battery capacity (measured in mAh, milliamps per hour) indicates the current intensity that the battery supplies to the phone in the space of 60 minutes. Logically, the longer the mAh, the longer the phone will work without recharging

Second is the processor power. The more powerful it is, the more energy it will consume, which shortens the battery life. This is important to keep in mind, because depending on the make of your cell phone, you may prefer to sacrifice power in favor of autonomy:

Third is large screen sizes. Larger screens contain more pixels than smaller ones, so if you are thinking of buying a giant mobile phone, know that it could affect your battery life. Also keep in mind that AMOLED displays consume less than IPS technology.

Obviously, with use the battery of any terminal loses autonomy and lasts less and less long. In addition, the way we recharge it also depends on what we can stretch your battery.

How to Make the Battery Last Longer

If you want to extend your battery life and avoid constantly charging your phone, here are some basic tips that will help you to improve battery life. First, try reducing the screen brightness to consume less energy. If you have a mobile phone with OLED glass, use the light in the dark function:

Also, try turning off the cellular network and limiting the duration of calls. Calls consume a lot of battery, so if you are running low send text messages. Further, you can use a WiFi network if available, instead of your mobile data. WiFi could help you consume up to 40% less energy. Regardless of your mobile data plan, turning off mobile data will help you save battery power.

Many current phones include smart battery usage modes, so take advantage of them. They combine less use of light on the screen, restriction of notifications, and other options to decrease energy consumption.

You can also use airplane mode. Generally, turning the phone off and on consumes more energy than leaving it on in this mode. It deactivates functions that allow communications: GSM (calls), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS. This will consume 5% of the usual power in standby mode.

Finally, don't abuse your battery. Try to recharge it to full once it is depleted, limit the use of your device during charging, and make sure it does not overheat. This will help to minimize the damage to your battery.

Image: © rtonrussellcreative - 123rom

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