Add a logo to your videos

Even if the user is not familiar with the field of advertising, he or she can easily create their own logo. Some people are not sure how to insert the logo in a particular video. To get started, the logo should be in a jpg format and the video in avi format. Gimp is the software to be used; the logo should be formatted to bmp. 24 bits. There are several more steps the user needs to follow in order to add a logo a video. Each step has to be followed thoroughly so the guide below will be able to guide you through this procedure.

You have created your logo and you want to insert it into a video?

Here's how.

Before we begin, we need a video of .avi format and your logo (jpg format preferred: it will be easier to convert).

Put the logo in the right format

To begin with, put the logo in the right format. This logo should be .Bmp and 24 bits.

To put it into bmp 24 bits, it is advisable to use Gimp.

This software is available here: GIMP

Open your logo with Gimp.

Select "File" then "Save As".

You see the name of your logo. Jpg (commentcamarche.jpg here). We are going to rename the extension to Bmp (to commentcamarche.bmp).

Then click on "Save."

A dialog box "Save bmp" appears: Click on "Advanced Options" Then on "24 bit" And then "Save". And here we have our logo ready.

Inserting the logo in the video

To insert a logo in a video, we will use the software AVI Recomp

This software is available here: AVI Recomp.

So of course you must install it, and you will also need to install two small modules to help it function properly.

The software is very simple. There are 4 tabs: Source and exit, Extras, Settings and Queue.

We will proceed tab by tab

Source and output

We will load our .Avi file with the button "Load avi".

Then in Save AVI, select the name and location of the new video (with logo).

Finally, there is New file size: in most cases, the size is already indicated automatically, if this is not the case, put the same size as the original video.


Here you will select the "Enable" in the category "Logo".

Then we will show the location of the logo. Bmp with the Charger logo.

Click on Settings - Logo, a window appears: You can change the position of the logo in the video, here it is at the bottom right. You can also change the start time and duration (you must bring the total duration of the film if you want the logo to be displayed throughout the film, or you can leave it on for the first 10 seconds for example). In the box "Alpha Blending", you can change the transparency of the logo in the knowledge that it will be completely opaque if the value is 255 (maximum) and will be invisible if the value is 0. You can see a preview of the video to see if it suits you by clicking on "Preview." Finally, when all the settings are correct, click on "Use".


Here, it is advisable to check the box "Delete temporary files".

You can also select the "Delete source file" but it is better to keep it at the beginning, just in case it crashes for some reason. If it does then you can recover your original video ....


Now all that remains is to click "Add to queue".

Then the "Start" button and go!

All you have to do is wait until the end of the encoding of your video, and the logo will be embedded in it.

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